Society for Endocrinology - a world-leading authority on hormones

Session overview

Explore how nurses can play a more prominent role in providing healthcare services and collaborating with other healthcare professionals.

To get the most out of these sessions we encourage all members to attend the webinars live. If you would like to catch up or revisit the content at any time, sessions will also be made available on-demand behind the Members' Area. 


Speaker info

I have been in my current role as Endocrine Specialist Nurse within Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust since November 2021. My team and I hold clinics for pituitary disease patients prescribed therapies and surveillance, adrenal patients including adrenocortical carcinoma, corticodependent patients for steroid advice, on a routine and urgent basis and benign thyroid disease.

Prior to that, I was a Staff Nurse then latterly a Sister on a Programmed Investigation Unit where Endocrinology fed into, comprising of diagnostic dynamic testing, MEN/pituitary surveillance, thyroid eye disease and octreotide analogue therapies. Consequently, I have been involved within the Endocrinology service for the majority of my career.

I am involved in the setting up and running of two Nurse Led clinics, adrenal incidentaloma and post radioiodine working to pathways. I am expecting to set up a further two clinics; benign thyroid and diabetes insipidus when all members of the team have all completed the non-medical prescribing course by next summer.